December 2023
What is Boxing Day for Australia?
The history of Boxing Day has its origins in Great Britain and some Commonwealth
countries, particularly Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, Boxing day is done usually
on a holiday (December 26) on which servants, tradespeople, and the poor traditionally
were presented with gifts. By the 21st century it had become a day associated with
shopping and sporting events.
On Boxing Day, BCGD Founder, Dr. Raymond Khattar, sponsors the entire sporting
event for friends, families and the entire organizers. From the group uniforms, trophies
and a celebration dinner for the team and their families.
The entire team of the Australia the Boxing day Golf Tournament. In this photo, Dr. Khattar is 4 th person
seated from the left side of the first row.
Friend, families and the organizers enjoy the event with sports and dinner.
Awarding of Winners